my skills
Machine Learning:
Pytorch, TensorFlow (Keras), Sklearn, Scipy, Statsmodels
NLTK, Gensim, OpenCV.
Data Viz:
Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly (Dash), Folium (Leaflet), Tableau, GGPlot, Gnuplot.
Data Science:
Numpy, Pandas, bs4, Scrapy, Ray.
Others: R, / (Bash, ROOT(Cern) entry level).
Reporting: $\LaTeX$, Rmd, Md, and HTML.
Physics Background:
Mathematical methods for Physics, Linear Algebra/Geometry, Complex Analysis, Statistics
Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Structure of Matter, General Relativity.
Data Science Background:
ML & DL, Decision Models (Optimization), Data Analysis, Data Semantics (Ontologies/LinkedData/KG), Text Mining (NLP), Time Series (Linear, Arima, UCM, KF, ML), Computer Vision.
Many years of volunteering left me with
Planning, Communication, Listening capabilities,
and Flexibility.