Who am I

Bachelor's degree in Physics, Theoretical and Computational thesis: quasicrystals and their frictional properties, simulating a free-sliding system with zero (zero!!) static friction between contacts.

MSc Data Science, master thesis: biomedical applications of DeepLearning.

Applied ML researcher @aliza.ai: computer vision & synthetic faces generation.

Diving deep into ML & DL, scratching the surface of A.I..

Fan of Linux/Unix & Open Source philosophy.

Mountains, Alpinism, Hiking, Climbing,

 my skills 


Machine Learning:
, Pytorch, TensorFlow (Keras), Sklearn, Scipy, Statsmodels
NLTK, Gensim, OpenCV.
Data Viz:
Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly (Dash), Folium (Leaflet), Tableau, GGPlot, Gnuplot.
Data Science: Numpy, Pandas, bs4, Scrapy, Ray.
Others: R, / (Bash, ROOT(Cern) entry level).
Reporting: $\LaTeX$, Rmd, Md, and HTML.


Physics Background:
Mathematical methods for Physics, Linear Algebra/Geometry, Complex Analysis, Statistics
Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Structure of Matter, General Relativity.
Data Science Background:
ML & DL, Decision Models (Optimization), Data Analysis, Data Semantics (Ontologies/LinkedData/KG), Text Mining (NLP), Time Series (Linear, Arima, UCM, KF, ML), Computer Vision.


Many years of volunteering left me with
Planning, Communication, Listening capabilities,
and Flexibility.

 (Some) projects 

A Data Management project:
a scalable pipeline for storing meetup.com rsvp streaming data in Arango-db,
analyzing the social network, extracting statistics and visualizing (on a cool folium map!).

The sequel of the "ArMeetup" project with a DataSemantics focus:
a pipeline consisting of online json-ld Ontology population, data enrichment via various APIs, NLP processing for topic extraction, and conversion in RDF graphs for allowing further queries.

Optimization, Hybrid algorithms implementation:
boosting Ant-Colony with Reinforcement Learning (Q-learning),
scaling Genetic Algorithm with k-means clustering.
Benchmarked on the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Predicting energy supply function for the electricity Italian market:
Functional time-series forecasting with both a statistical (Reduced Rank Regression)
and a machine learning (LSTM based) approach.

Who is Wally

A Computer Vision project:
voice recognition (training a VGGVOX-like CNN on custom data), face recognition (finetuning a pretrained CNN), and image retrival via cosine similarity on a KD Tree. Repo link coming soon!

Venice is Drowning

Time Series Forecasting project:
predicting the tidal levels in Venice,
exploiting both linear (ARIMA, UCM) and non-linear (LSTM, GRU) models.

 Research & Personal Interests   

  • Deep Learning

    Super interested in DL-related arguments.
    Attended to several summer/winter schools on Deep Learning (EEML2022, MLSS2022, M2l2022, M2l2021, EEML2021,BigDat2020, DeepLearn2019).
    General Interests: computer vision. Specific interests: Over-parametrized NNs and their characteristics phenomena.

  • Biomedical Application of ML

    During my master's thesis, I've been learning about applications of ML pipelines for the biomedical field.
    I believe this research area has huge potential in terms of the great contribution that ML could bring.

  • Physics

    I like to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of physics.
    I'd love to apply ML techniques in this context.
    Particularly fashinated by the knowledge "transfer learning" between the two fields.

  • Hobbies

    , , , , , , in general outdoor activities in close contact with nature.
    My favourite is Nils Frahm, being myself a pianist I do love his synthesizers and piano combos.

Contact me

Please, feel free to contact me anytime!